Intermittent Fasting
Meee? Neverrrr :P
Most of you guys have heard the myth that the only way to build a stellar metabolism while building muscle and burning fat is by eating every 3 hours five to six times a day. Not everyone is built the same and this may not be the right route for you....I know it wasn't for me!
What if I told you that it is possible to get that killer lean physique while fasting 13-16 hours a day and eating 3 meals within only 8 hours anddddd hit your macros (protein, fats, carbs) and calories for the day? Think I'm crazy? Well that's the way I do my eating and I LOVE the results I have gotten thus far.
Let me break it on down for you boo boo:
First off, do not confuse intermittent fasting with STARVING!!! You are still getting your nutrients and calories in your body each day, you will not under eat! What I love about this "diet" (I hate using the term diet b/c it is a lifestyle habit, not a one time grueling thing you force yourself to do) is that intermittent fasting is treated just like training. When you lift or do aerobic exercises you are obviously putting your body under stress... STRESS BUILDS MUSCLE...PERIOD. Your body responds to this stress and triggers growth. This "controversial" diet is nutritional stress and this is what your body needs.
The Founding Father of Intermittent Fasting or a.k.a "The Warrior Diet."
This nutritional genius goes by the name of Ori Hofmekler. According to Hofmekler, who recommends 12-16 hours of fasting (including sleep), “With these short-term fasts, you trigger stress response agents...These are stress protein, heat shock proteins, certain kinds of enzymes, and anti-inflammatory and immune molecules that practically search and destroy every weak element in your body.”
Humans are clearly programmed for thriving under stress, just look at our ancestors who had to literally fast until they scavenged for nuts and berries or were successful with their hunts and obtained meat. Does "survival of the fittest" ring a bell? DING DING! We evolved from the ancestors who thrived the best under stress so lucky for you, if you don't live by a McDonald's or Burger King, YOU WILL SURVIVE... whew that was a close call! Technology has helped to remove stress from our daily lives with fast food joints, vending machines, grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
- Anti-aging effects
- Spikes insulin sensitivity (For better protein synthesis and muscle gains)
- Increased fat loss. LSU (GEAUX TIGERS) concluded that fasting resulted in 4% body fat loss within 22 days. Say whaaaa?!!
- Burns excess energy
“In fitness, exercise is important, but nutritional stress is even more important,” says Hofmekler. “Combining both of them is the magic formula—if you add to that the right food, nothing can stop you.”Get your fast on peeps with intermittent fasting!
"Stay hungry, devour gainz!"
-The Buff Swan